Date: Sunday November 5, 2006
Organization: Dragon Run Saddle Club Where: Hayes, VA
Email: pbunting(at)
Phone: 804-758-3049 Website:
Dragon Run Saddle Club
"CSI Scavenger Hunt"
Novemeber 5th
@ Beaverdam Park, Fary's Mill Entrance
There is a killer among us! Its up to you to sleuth the clues and discover who dunnit! Was it Colonel Mustard in the Ballroom with the Candlestick? Nah, that’s too easy! In this game of clues, our cast of characters are DRSC members, weapons are items that could be found in your barn, and the motive is ..... well, I can't give away everything!
Riders may leave the safety of the parking lot anytime between 10:45am and 1:30pm. Detectives will provide you all the crime scene details needed to solve this case at check-in (no earlier than 10:30am, please). You will also be given a map with locations of further clues. Clues cover a 7 mile course. You may traverse sections of this course as many times as necessary, however you must always follow loops in the correct direction of travel. (per signs on trail) After solving this murder, you are welcome to ride as long and far as you wish, but please return to the parking area by 5pm. We will have hot refreshments awaiting you arrival.
Directions to Beaverdam Park, Gloucester, VA:
Rte 17 North of Walter Reed Hospital and South of Saluda. Go to traffic light at Rte 606/Fary's Mill Rd (Shell Station and Fire Tower) Turn onto Fary's Mill Rd. Go almost 3 miles, slow down when you get to a downhill with guardrails on both sides of the road. The entrance is on the right as you start back uphill.
We are requesting pre-entry to ensure enough parking, refreshments, and awards. Completion awards for all pre-entries. Thank you for helping us plan properly so that everyone has an enjoyable ride. Please call if you are unable to attend and need to request a refund. Rain Date November 18, 2006
Questions? Contact Ride Manager, Pam Bunting by email anytime at or by phone 804-758-3049 before 8pm.
_____~ Pre- Registration Requested ~ Negative Coggins Required ~ _______
Name _____________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________
City, State, Zip______________________________________
Email _____________________________________________
Emer Contact _______________________________________
Phone _____________________________________________
Adult $20 _________
Child $15 _________
DRSC $15 _________
Sub Total _________
*Pre-Entry Subtract $5 per Rider __________
Total ___________
Postmark by November 1st and mail to:
DRSC, PO Box 1773, Hayes, VA 23072